Friday, February 21, 2003

A high school teacher in Illinois has filed a lawsuit against Loews theaters over their practice of running commericials prior to movies. Also named in the suit are dancing cartoon popcorn man, dancing cartoon soda guy, and dancing sexy cartoon box of Ju-Ju Bees.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

The final episode of "Joe Millionaire" beat out two Michael Jackson specials in the ratings race this week. So if you are keeping score at home: Frankenstein 1, The Mummy 0.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

A Japanese tourist was arrested after carrying a canister of gasoline and a barbecue grill through Miami International Airport. Police, however, have decided not to press charges since the man showed them how to flip a piece of shrimp and catch it on their hats.

Monday, February 17, 2003

A rusty, broken bell that may have come from Christopher Columbus' the Santa Maria was seized by Spanish police Monday, days before it was to be auctioned off. Such a shame that a goverment can come in and claim something as their own.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

Greek Cypriot opposition leader Tassos Papadopoulos swept to a first round presidential election. A movie about his victory is tentatively entitled My Big Fat Greek Last Name.